Company FDs vs. Bank FDs

Company FDs vs. Bank FDs

There is a strong debate between whether one should invest in Corporate FDs or in Bank FDs. The low interest rates on bank FDs has prompted retail investors to look for alternatives and corporate FDs have emerged as a good option in recent times. Corporate FDs (CFDs)...
A beginner’s guide to Unlisted Shares

A beginner’s guide to Unlisted Shares

In recent years companies are delaying their IPOs and are choosing to remain private for a longer time, with the result that the private market has significant growth opportunities. A company can choose to remain unlisted for a number of reasons like the company is...
How to Make the Best Use of Business Loan Amount

How to Make the Best Use of Business Loan Amount

One of the major problems of a small business is cash flow. Very often businesses need a loan to move on to the next stage of business operation. Once a loan is approved a big question arises before the companies: How to spend the business loan? One fundamental rule...
Top 5 Books on Investment every beginner   must read

Top 5 Books on Investment every beginner must read

The stock market is a great place to make money for the investors. But investing in stocks can be intimidating and complicating for beginners. Fortunately a lot of books, written by successful investors who have built fortunes in the stock markets, provide a good...
How to Choose a Company FD?

How to Choose a Company FD?

Company FDs have emerged a good investment option in the recent years primarily due to their high interest rates but they also carry huge risks. Investors therefore must tread carefully and take an informed decision. In this blog article, we uncover the factors that...
Warren Buffet’s Most Popular Investment Quotes

Warren Buffet’s Most Popular Investment Quotes

With a net worth of over $78.9 billion, Warren Buffett, the chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, is regarded as one of the most successful investors in the world. Investors from around the world are curious to know Buffett’s strategies which have made him so...
How to Finance a Business

How to Finance a Business

Any business idea needs money to transform it into a reality. Whether to develop a new idea or to expand an existing business, obtaining funds can be quite a challenge for the companies. Below are some of the ways in which businesses can get funds for their...
Picking the Right Business Lender

Picking the Right Business Lender

Most businesses need a cash inflow at some point; whether to start a venture of to expand an already existing business or fulfil a huge order or buy new machinery. Loans help the businesses to take advantage of the opportunities. Once a business decides that it needs...
Corporate Fixed Deposits: An Introduction

Corporate Fixed Deposits: An Introduction

We all are familiar with Fixed Deposits (FDs) as a saving instrument. To recollect, a fixed deposit is a type of account where a bank pays a specific rate of interest for keeping funds with it for a particular period. Bank FDs are offered by state banks and registered...
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